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- /********* Sequence input routines for CLUSTALV *******************/
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include "clustalv.h"
- /*
- * Prototypes
- */
- extern Boolean linetype(char *,char *);
- extern void warning(char *,...);
- extern void error(char *,...);
- extern char * rtrim(char *);
- extern void getstr(char *,char *);
- void fill_chartab(void);
- int readseqs(int);
- static void get_seq(char *,char *,int *,char *);
- static void check_infile(int *);
- static void p_encode(char *, char *, int);
- static void n_encode(char *, char *, int);
- static int res_index(char *,char);
- static Boolean check_dnaflag(char *, int);
- /*
- * Global variables
- */
- extern FILE *fin;
- extern Boolean usemenu, dnaflag, explicit_dnaflag;
- extern char seqname[];
- extern int nseqs;
- extern int *seqlen_array;
- extern char **names,**titles;
- extern char **seq_array;
- extern profile1_empty, profile2_empty;
- char *amino_acid_codes = "ABCDEFGHIKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZ-";
- char *amino_acid_order = "XCSTPAGNDEQHRKMILVFYW";
- char *nucleic_acid_order = "NACGTU";
- static int seqFormat;
- static char chartab[256];
- static char *formatNames[] = {"unknown","EMBL/Swiss-Prot","PIR","Pearson"};
- void fill_chartab() /* Create translation and check table */
- {
- /* static char valid[]="ABCDEFGHIKLMNPQRSTVWXYZ-"; */
- register int i;
- register char c;
- for(i=0;i<256;chartab[i++]=0);
- for(i=0;c=amino_acid_codes[i];i++)
- chartab[c]=chartab[tolower(c)]=c;
- }
- static void get_seq(char *sname,char *seq,int *len,char *tit)
- {
- static char line[MAXLINE+1];
- int i;
- unsigned char c;
- switch(seqFormat) {
- while( !linetype(line,"ID") )
- fgets(line,MAXLINE+1,fin);
- strncpy(sname,line+5,MAXNAMES); /* remember entryname */
- sname[MAXNAMES]=EOS;
- rtrim(sname);
- /* while( !linetype(line,"DE") )
- fgets(line,MAXLINE+1,fin);
- strncpy(tit,line+5,MAXTITLES);
- i=strlen(tit);
- if(tit[i-1]=='\n') tit[i-1]=EOS;
- */
- while( !linetype(line,"SQ") )
- fgets(line,MAXLINE+1,fin);
- *len=0;
- while(fgets(line,MAXLINE+1,fin)) {
- for(i=0;*len < MAXLEN;i++) {
- c=line[i];
- if(c == '\n' || c == EOS || c == '/')
- break; /* EOL */
- if( (c=chartab[c]))
- seq[++(*len)]=c;
- }
- if(*len == MAXLEN || c == '/') break;
- }
- break;
- case PIR:
- while(*line != '>')
- fgets(line,MAXLINE+1,fin);
- strncpy(sname,line+4,MAXNAMES);
- sname[MAXNAMES]=EOS;
- for(i=MAXNAMES-1;i > 0;i--)
- if(isspace(sname[i])) {
- sname[i]=EOS;
- break;
- }
- fgets(line,MAXLINE+1,fin);
- strncpy(tit,line,MAXTITLES);
- i=strlen(tit);
- if(tit[i-1]=='\n') tit[i-1]=EOS;
- *len=0;
- while(fgets(line,MAXLINE+1,fin)) {
- for(i=0;*len < MAXLEN;i++) {
- c=line[i];
- if(c == '\n' || c == EOS || c == '*')
- break; /* EOL */
- if( (c=chartab[c]))
- seq[++(*len)]=c;
- }
- if(*len == MAXLEN || c == '*') break;
- }
- break;
- case PEARSON:
- while(*line != '>')
- fgets(line,MAXLINE+1,fin);
- strncpy(sname,line+1,MAXNAMES);
- sname[MAXNAMES]=EOS;
- for(i=MAXNAMES-1;i > 0;i--)
- if(isspace(sname[i])) {
- sname[i]=EOS;
- break;
- }
- *tit=EOS;
- *len=0;
- while(fgets(line,MAXLINE+1,fin)) {
- for(i=0;*len < MAXLEN;i++) {
- c=line[i];
- if(c == '\n' || c == EOS || c == '>')
- break; /* EOL */
- if( (c=chartab[c]))
- seq[++(*len)]=c;
- }
- if(*len == MAXLEN || c == '>') break;
- }
- break;
- }
- if(*len == MAXLEN)
- warning("Sequence %s truncated to %d residues",
- sname,MAXLEN);
- seq[*len+1]=EOS;
- }
- int readseqs(int first_seq) /*first_seq is the #no. of the first seq. to read */
- {
- char line[FILENAMELEN+1];
- static char seq1[MAXLEN+2],sname1[MAXNAMES+1],title[MAXTITLES+1];
- int i,j,no_seqs;
- static int l1;
- static Boolean dnaflag1;
- if(usemenu)
- getstr("Enter the name of the sequence file",line);
- else
- strcpy(line,seqname);
- if(*line == EOS) return -1;
- if((fin=fopen(line,"r"))==NULL) {
- error("Could not open sequence file %s",line);
- return -1; /* DES -1 => file not found */
- }
- strcpy(seqname,line);
- no_seqs=0;
- check_infile(&no_seqs);
- printf("\nSequence format is %s\n",formatNames[seqFormat]);
- if(no_seqs == 0)
- return 0; /* return the number of seqs. (zero here)*/
- if((no_seqs + first_seq -1) > MAXN) {
- error("Too many sequences. Maximum is %d",MAXN);
- return 0; /* also return zero if too many */
- }
- for(i=first_seq;i<=first_seq+no_seqs-1;++i) { /* get the seqs now*/
- get_seq(sname1,seq1,&l1,title);
- seqlen_array[i]=l1; /* store the length */
- strcpy(names[i],sname1); /* " " name */
- strcpy(titles[i],title); /* " " title */
- if(!explicit_dnaflag) {
- dnaflag1 = check_dnaflag(seq1,l1); /* check DNA/Prot */
- if(i == 1) dnaflag = dnaflag1;
- } /* type decided by first seq*/
- else
- dnaflag1 = dnaflag;
- if( (!explicit_dnaflag) && (dnaflag1 != dnaflag) )
- warning(
- "Sequence %d [%s] appears to be of different type to sequence 1",
- i,sname1);
- if(dnaflag)
- n_encode(seq1,seq_array[i],l1); /* encode the sequence*/
- else /* as ints */
- p_encode(seq1,seq_array[i],l1);
- }
- fclose(fin);
- return no_seqs; /* return the number of seqs. read in this call */
- }
- static Boolean check_dnaflag(char *seq, int slen)
- /* check if DNA or Protein
- The decision is based on counting all A,C,G,T,U or N.
- If >= 85% of all characters (except -) are as above => DNA */
- {
- int i, c, nresidues, nbases;
- float ratio;
- nresidues = nbases = 0;
- for(i=1; i <= slen; i++) {
- if(seq[i] != '-') {
- nresidues++;
- if(seq[i] == 'N')
- nbases++;
- else {
- c = res_index(nucleic_acid_order, seq[i]);
- if(c > 0)
- nbases++;
- }
- }
- }
- if( (nbases == 0) || (nresidues == 0) ) return FALSE;
- ratio = (float)nbases/(float)nresidues;
- /*
- fprintf(stdout,"\n nbases = %d, nresidues = %d, ratio = %f\n",
- nbases,nresidues,ratio);
- */
- if(ratio >= 0.85)
- return TRUE;
- else
- return FALSE;
- }
- static void check_infile(int *nseqs)
- {
- char line[MAXLINE+1];
- *nseqs=0;
- fgets(line,MAXLINE+1,fin);
- if( linetype(line,"ID") ) /* EMBL/Swiss-Prot format ? */
- seqFormat=EMBLSWISS;
- else if(*line == '>') /* no */
- seqFormat=(line[3] == ';')?PIR:PEARSON; /* distinguish PIR and Pearson */
- else {
- seqFormat=UNKNOWN;
- return;
- }
- (*nseqs)++;
- while(fgets(line,MAXLINE+1,fin) != NULL) {
- switch(seqFormat) {
- if( linetype(line,"ID") )
- (*nseqs)++;
- break;
- case PIR:
- case PEARSON:
- if( *line == '>' )
- (*nseqs)++;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- fseek(fin,0,0);
- }
- static void p_encode(char *seq, char *naseq, int l)
- { /* code seq as ints .. use -2 for gap */
- register int i;
- /* static char *aacids="CSTPAGNDEQHRKMILVFYW";*/
- for(i=1;i<=l;i++)
- if(seq[i] == '-')
- naseq[i] = -2;
- else if(seq[i] == 'X')
- naseq[i] = 0;
- else
- naseq[i] = res_index(amino_acid_order,seq[i]);
- }
- static void n_encode(char *seq,char *naseq,int l)
- { /* code seq as ints .. use -2 for gap */
- register int i,c;
- /* static char *nucs="ACGTU"; */
- for(i=1;i<=l;i++) {
- if(seq[i] == '-') /* if a gap character -> code = -2 */
- naseq[i] = -2; /* this is the code for a gap in */
- else { /* the input files */
- c=res_index(nucleic_acid_order,seq[i]);
- if (c == 5) c=4;
- naseq[i]=c;
- }
- }
- }
- static int res_index(char *t,char c)
- {
- register int i;
- for(i=0;t[i] && t[i] != c;i++)
- ;
- if(t[i]) return(i);
- else return 0;
- }